If you're in need of a new heat pump for your home, you may be wondering where to begin. Dealing with a faulty heat pump can be a double tragedy, as the unit is responsible for providing both heating and cooling in your home. The frequently high utility bills, repair costs and poor climate control may have caused you to enter the market for a new heat pump.

Purchasing a new unit is certainly a significant investment. Therefore, you should prepare yourself to select the best available option and to work with the right HVAC contractor during installation. Here are the steps you should follow when looking for a new heat pump.

1. Identifying the right HVAC contractor

You may already be looking for a heat pump in various stores or online platforms. However, an even better approach is to find a reputable HVAC contractor who can guide you through the process. It certainly helps to understand the available brands and types of heat pumps available, but the choices out there can easily become overwhelming.

You can save lots of time by finding a reputable contractor who will inspect your home and recommend the right product for you to use. Most contractors also provide new heat pumps for sale from multiple bands. By purchasing from them, you can obtain discounts in terms of installation and maintenance.

2. Determine your heating and cooling needs

When it comes to a new heat pump, every home is different. You should be aware of your heating and cooling needs, as well as how much you're looking to spend on climate control. An undersized heat pump may become overworked and result in costly maintenance down the road. Similarly, an oversized unit may cost more to purchase and maintain. Your HVAC contractor can help you select an appropriately sized heat pump for your home.

3. Select an energy-efficient model

Purchasing a new heat pump is an excellent opportunity for energy efficiency. Make sure you only purchase a certified energy-efficient model for your home. An energy-efficient unit will reduce your utility bills and remain durable over the years. You should also make sure the unit has an extended warranty of at least three years.

4. Consider maintenance plans

After you select your desired unit, negotiate installation with your HVAC contractor. Proper installation will directly affect energy efficiency and utility consumption. Therefore, allow enough time for the unit to be installed and tested in your home.

You should also sign up for any maintenance plans that your contractor may provide. Your unit needs regular servicing (particularly when the seasons change) to remain efficient. For more information and assistance, contact your local heater installation service today.
